Water Rates & Charges

Calleguas does not charge residents or businesses directly. These rates apply to our 19 member purveyors, who then set their own rates for their customers in the community. If you have questions about your water rates and are unsure who your water supplier is, visit Find Your Water Supplier

Rates & Charges




Water Standby Charges

Values of all properties within the service area of Calleguas Municipal Water District are dependent on the availability of imported water. Likewise, all properties receiving public water benefit from ongoing efforts of the District to drought-proof its service area. Revenue produced by the Water Standby Charge is primarily directed to the construction of facilities that increase the reliability of the water supply to southeast Ventura County. If necessary, the money may also be applied to operating expenses, contributing to stable water rates.

Select any of the documents below to learn more about the Standby Charge.

Those seeking an exemption from Water Standby Charges will begin the process with the forms below. Please read Resolution No. 2017 before applying.

Staff Photo