Henry Graumlich

Executive Strategist

Henry Graumlich is the District’s Executive Strategist. He is responsible for advising the General Manager and Board of Directors on the District’s strategic approach to water resources policy. He also advocates for the District’s strategic interests at local, regional, and statewide forums with special emphasis on Metropolitan Water District, regional collaboration, and strategic initiatives.

Henry is a generalist who specializes in systems approaches to complex problems. He joined Calleguas in 2007 and has over thirty years of experience in executive water resources planning and policy that includes stints at the City of Ventura and Camrosa Water District. Henry facilitate Calleguas’ Board of Directors’ first strategic plan. He works with the District’s Metropolitan Water District director, Metropolitan staff, and member agency managers to promote regional water supply resilience and further Calleguas’ long-range strategic and policy interests.

Henry attended Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music where he studied French horn and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English (inter-disciplinary 19th century studies), Phi Beta Kappa. He holds a Masters of Public Administration with distinction from California State University, Northridge. Member, Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty.

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