Board Of Directors Details


Jacque McMillan

Treasurer and Metropolitan Water District Representative

(Scalable version of mapTo display, select Layers - Specials Districts - Water - Calleguas Municipal Water Divisions.)
Term Expires December 2026

Director McMillan recently retired after serving 31 years as a Principal Government and Regional Affairs Representative for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the nation’s largest water purveyor.  She has worked extensively with businesses, community leaders, and elected officials to ensure that Southern California’s 19 million residents continue to have a safe, reliable, and low-cost supply of drinking water.  She has served as an officer, committee chair, or active member for over thirty years representing agricultural, business, and advocacy entities in east Ventura County, the San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and downtown Los Angeles.  Jacque assisted these groups in developing policy positions on water that would enrich the region’s business climate and quality of life for its residents.  From 2003 to 2019, she also served as a Board Director for the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (formerly Castaic Lake Water Agency).

Before being promoted as a legislative advocate, Jacque worked five years in Metropolitan’s real property section acquiring thousands of acres for Diamond Valley Lake, an 800,000-acre-foot reservoir that doubled the Southland’s storage capacity for drinking water.  Prior to joining Metropolitan, Jacque worked for three petroleum companies managing 15 oil field projects in California and acquiring oil, gas and coal rights in over nine states and seventy-nine counties.

Director McMillan serves as Treasurer of the Calleguas Board of Directors and as Calleguas’ Representative on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board of Directors. Jacque is the Chair - Ad Hoc Committee on Bay-Delta Negotiations and a member of the Engineering, Operations and Technology Committee; Ethics, Organization and Personnel Committee; Finance and Asset Management Committee; Legislation and Communications Committee; Subcommittee on Demand Management and Conservation Programs and Priorities; Subcommittee on Long-Term Regional Planning Processes and Business Modeling; Subcommittee on Pure Water Southern California and Regional Conveyance; and Ad Hoc Committee on Policy Impacts of Third-Party Changes to Member Agency Boundaries.

Jacque has a Master’s in Business from California State University, Northridge; a Bachelor’s from the University of Houston, and an Associate Degree from Houston Community College.  She is also a graduate of the leadership classes — Oxnard Leadership, Valley Leadership Institute, and Leadership LA.


Calleguas Committees:

  • Finance (chair, Treasurer)
  • Public Engagement, Communication, & Legislative Affairs (chair)